#25 Emma Hempton: Every Single Day Counts

My guest on this episode is Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland ambassador, Emma Hempton. Emma is a vibrant young woman who adores music and has a lust for life and lives it to the best of her ability. On this platform, she shares what it is like living with CF, the challenges she faced throughout her life, with memories of her childhood, adolescent years, and also the times she and her family were close to saying their goodbyes. Yet as you listen to Emma, her story is one of strength, of determination, of resilience and I believe it will encourage you to take another look at your life and ask yourself are living every moment and making the best of what is in front of you? Emma has an ability to tell a story and hook the listener on every word with her soft tones. 

Her calmness and serenity ring through. Today is April 9th otherwise known as 65 roses day. A day created to help raise awareness and funds for the people of Ireland who battle live with Cystic Fibrosis. There are 1400 people in Ireland living with this genetic, chronic, terminal lung disease and to date, there’s no cure. CF Having an ambassador like Emma Hempton, I’m certain that Cystic Fibrosis Ireland will raise the much-needed funds. 

While you’re listening, head over to www.65rosesday.ie and donate what you can. At 21 years old, Emma has a grip on life and a passion for living. That passion is there in us all, we just have to start looking in the right places and finding out what living really means to us. Please do one thing today, head to 65rosesday.ie and donate to help Emma and the people affected by CF. Your support matters. 

Thank you for listening. For anyone who wants to find out more about Cystic Fibrosis please head to https://www.cfireland.ie/ Also, check out their Instagram page cf_ireland #65rosesday #cysticfibrosis #cfireland

Episode timeline
00:10Introduction 00:25Exploring the topic 00:57A word from our guest host 01:14Closing remarks
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