#7 Kim Skildum Reid: Remember to be a fan

Kim Skildum Reid is leading the way in sponsorship across the globe. She is a wonderful person who has changed the sponsorship landscape. Her passion for sponsorship is unquestionable and I got a chance to infiltrate Kim’s routine and talk to her about her passion and hear how she approaches different challenges. 

Kim has worked with some of the worlds biggest brands and has taken what she’s learned and openly shared it all on her website powersponsorship.com While it’s all there, Kim has a unique way of explaining the importance of sponsorship and it is only through engaging and meeting Kim that you get to really learn the nuances of sponsorship and how brands can make it the most important marketing tool in their arsenal. 

On top of all this, Kim shares some stories of people she’s met and how she’s bumped heads with some of the worlds most famous sports stars, however, one thing she made sure of is that she treats everyone with kindness and respect regardless of the level you work at. Amongst all this success, Kim has stayed true to herself and the fact that she first and foremost is a huge fan and she still loves getting the opportunity to experience things first hand. If you would like to find Kim head to https://powersponsorship.com where you can find tutorials, books and so much more. 

Twitter: @KimSkildumReid

Episode timeline
00:10Introduction 00:25Exploring the topic 00:57A word from our guest host 01:14Closing remarks
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