#41 Mel Deane: What Makes You Tick

Mel Deane is one of those humans you need in your life. He sat down with me to talk about his career as a Personal Trainer, how he found the way to take what he loved from playing rugby at a high level to applying it to his everyday. 

Mel takes us down memory lane when he lived in Longford and how the actions of his father, influenced his life forever. A bit of a brawler when needed, a kind sole at times and highly respected among his peers, we get a taster of this energetic bundle of testosterone and how he takes on the world every day. 

Mel shares a story as he calls it his ‘Twist of fate’ story which will forever link Mel and his family to December 21st 1988, the day Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Scottish town of Lockerbie. 

Speaking with Mel, it’s clear that he lives in the moment because for him, that is where the greatest rewards are experienced. Yes it is important to plan for the future, but we can tend to think too far ahead and miss the magic of the here and now. 

Mel is a personal trainer to some of the most famous entertainers and personalities and it’s completely understandable why. He is infectious in all the right ways and cements his approach to life on doing what you love and treating people with kindness and decency. Yes we all make mistakes and that happens from time to time. However, we learn from them, we take on board the feedback and plough on. 

This episode is a long time coming and one I’m very proud of. If you want to enjoy some light hearted comedy mixed in with some intense training and simple instructions how to go about it, then follow Mels Instagram page – you will not be disappointed @meldean12 – you’ll see him rubbing shoulders with the likes of Niall Horan, Gabby Logan, the wonderful Kirsty Gallagher and you’ll get clients like Stevie becoming featured personalities on his page.

Mel, thank you for your time and honesty. You’re a gent. 

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