We’re a nearly a week after a two fingers to the system referendum in the UK. Whether we believe they made the right or wrong choice is mere gossip and opinion because we cannot control it. We’re all allowed our opinion we can’t control if people take it on board or not.
Recently my sister posted a comment about the fall out of Brexit and it really had me thinking afterwards, about what we really can and cannot control in our lives but more importantly where we should focus our efforts and energy. Here’s what she had to say….
It’s been 3 days since the results of the UK referendum were announced and yet rather than trying to move forward and begin to plan what happens next, People seem intent on continuing to point out why the decision was wrong or right. News flash it’s happened, we now have to figure out how to work and live together to make sure this great country stays ‘great’. There are always winners and losers and whilst I fall on the ‘losing’ side of this equation, reliving the result over and over again is in no ones best interest nor is calling into question people’s beliefs. I may be Irish but I choose to live in the UK and I’m thankful for the life I have here so I choose to put the past behind me and take control of my future. I hope more people do the same.#thisisnotadressrehersal
… and she’s right.
People seem intent on continuing to point out why the decision was wrong or right. News flash it’s happened
Firstly, people spend too long focusing on the past and what if situations or if only things had been different. The reality is that ifs, buts or maybes when focusing on the past is irrelevant. The reality of our right now is the fruit of our past so all we can do or control is how we act now. We either sit back and dwell on bad news or we get on with it, move forward and take a chance to make a change.
There are always winners and losers and whilst I fall on the ‘losing’ side of this equation, reliving the result over and over again is in no ones best interest nor is calling into question people’s beliefs.
Secondly, winning and losing is part of life. You win some and lose some. The wins can be great pats on the back for us, equally the losses are just as important. They give us a chance to learn from mistakes previously way. We can learn from them and again ‘move forward’.
I may be Irish but I choose to live in the UK and I’m thankful for the life I have here so I choose to put the past behind me and take control of my future.
Finally, my sister makes the point about choice and taking control of her future. The same can be said for us all, we have all made choices in the past and had to live by them, equally, those choices helped shape our present and will help outline our future. We constantly make right and wrong choices it’s part of living however I believe as long as you take “control of you” and try do what you believe is the right thing then that’s your right. We all will continue do what we believe best suits our lives and our future.
While I understand that political clowns on TV makes for viewing entertainment we can choose to be sucked into the masquerade where we have no control at all or we can make a choice to make up our own minds and control what is in front of us right now.
For example, on a personal note I have an uneasiness posting blogs and putting thoughts, feelings, experiences and my opinions on a stage for all my friends and family to see. It is a relatively new experience for me and while I can’t control anyone who reads this blog or any of my blogs and I can’t control their opinions and how they feel, I simply do this for me. If I upset people or if I make people happy and motivated it is out of my control. All I can do is write what I believe in, what makes me happy and what has helped me learn. I love that some of my topics and expressions have been helpful to people and that is a huge reward for me. I suppose the big reward was taking a leap of faith and that very first time. More relief than anything. It’s like breaking away from someone who wasn’t right for you, or leaving a job and on both instances realising things were no way as bad as I thought they’d be.
One of my pals said to me that he never thought or realised that I’ve had similar experiences as he’s had and it was refreshing for him to understand that “even people like me” he’s not on his own.
As my Dad always says,
” It’s the same script, just different actors”
and I have to agree.
We all will go through tough trying times in the future and when they come about we have a choice to face them head on or run and hide. That choice is solely ours to make. I’d tend to look at the present and the here and now, I’m in control with how I’m going to go about the next minute, the next hour, the next week, the next month. And if something happens within all those time periods then I’ll take control of me and make another choice.
Don’t wait for someone high up in the political sphere, your job, your life to tell you what the forecast of the future is, take control of your actions right now and make sure that whatever the future holds for you is one you’ll be happy with because you ‘controlled you’.
I’m very proud of my sister and her success in work and life. She’s exactly the type of person who sees a challenge and takes it on without complaining. It’s her focus, no bull shit attitude that motivates people around her to do their best and give their all. She’s a natural leader and I’ve no doubt she’s destined for even greater success in all aspects of her life.