#22 Vanessa Murtagh: Kindness is key – PT2

In part 2 Vanessa and I speak about her business vanessaree.com and why she created it.

As Vanessa was struggling with what to do in her career, a friend of hers knew she dabbled in making jewelry and encouraged her to try and set up her own business.

While Vanessa upskilled she faced a number of challenges along the way. Leaving her career and finding a new identity was particularly scary, however, she wasn’t afraid to ask for help, so she reached out to learn from others and hear their advice.

Vanessa believes that everything is fixable and can be worked out. After finding a way to reinvent herself, she shares the moments that propelled her towards happiness.

#happiness #kindness #upskill #whatmakesyoutick

Episode timeline
00:10Introduction 00:25Exploring the topic 00:57A word from our guest host 01:14Closing remarks
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